Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Beautiful City..

Living where I do with all the mountains and trees, I found my self drawn to just the opposite as I visited my home town of St Louis, Missouri. Growing up as I did there I was young and never paid much attention to my surroundings. I guess just growing up you just take a lot for granted. I mean my first concern was playing with my friends in the neighborhood etc. I never really noticed where I actually lived. Now seeing the sites through my half a century old eye's I can really step back and appreciate things a bit more. St Louis is really a beautiful city, Tons up on tons of bricks make this city and it was build to last! I really admire the work by many talented people who brick by brick made this city. I let the idea of moving back there roll around in my head for a moment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joe, you know theres a ride in the arch that you can go on....suppose to be thrilling. I have not ridden it myself. Always amazed everytime I see the arch. I gave you a "Way to Go" comment when you reached the east coast but it did not print. I have not bonded with the computer. But I've been following you, checking up on your status. What a great trip. Ride Safe! Maribeth
    (Growers Market).....
