Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Beautiful City..

Living where I do with all the mountains and trees, I found my self drawn to just the opposite as I visited my home town of St Louis, Missouri. Growing up as I did there I was young and never paid much attention to my surroundings. I guess just growing up you just take a lot for granted. I mean my first concern was playing with my friends in the neighborhood etc. I never really noticed where I actually lived. Now seeing the sites through my half a century old eye's I can really step back and appreciate things a bit more. St Louis is really a beautiful city, Tons up on tons of bricks make this city and it was build to last! I really admire the work by many talented people who brick by brick made this city. I let the idea of moving back there roll around in my head for a moment.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The big finish?

I know its a few days late to be posting this.... but I did make it.

  What an amazing experience this was. I find it hard to put in to words. I have met so many nice people on line and in person. I feel great inside, I think I am as happy as I ever have been. I hadn't counted on feeling so good inside, I was a bit suspicious of it.

The last day I picked up Craig's sister Joyce and we road to her son Marc's house in Salisbury MD. It was about an 80 mile ride for her(she's a first timer) She did well.

 I was to ride the last 30 miles or so all buy my self. It was kind of lonely once I got there, no flags waving no ribbon to cross. I just had a few moments to my self on the beach, thinking.

 Later on I was met by her son Marc. He's a nice young man, imagine this; a 21 year old man with plenty of other options I'm sure for  a Saturday night. Wants to take time out after working all night to meet some old dude who once was a friend of his uncle Craig. That's how much they loved this man. Willing to show up and meet this total stranger just to have a beer and talk some about our memories.

Just a short word about this helmet, Craig had painted this helmet for Joyce at about age 16. We strapped it on the bike on our way to Salisbury.

 So its over the ride, now just gotta turn around and start heading west.

  I really don't have much else to say. I wasn't alone and I realised that this wasn't just about raising dollars and cents. I told a story about friends and family and how at any moment the ones you love can be snatched away from you. I realized that this ride was for his family, some one willing to take the time to call attention to this life changing illness. All I really did was ride a motorcycle but in the end I learned a lot about my own life and how grateful I am to be alive.

Monday, June 6, 2011

West Virginia, Pittsburg....

 I like old buildings, Smithsburg,WV

I know that I am a few days behind posting here, I am still a bit shy of the key board and painfully slow.
Anyway it's been just beautiful the weather. I am leaving the 50 just to sneek up and see my sister and her family in Bethel Park, PA What a wonderful family,my sister and Scott her husband or just great people. I got to spend a lot of time with her and the kids, Scott was busy working much of the time.

The youngest two not really liking the picture takeing too much.

 Two Artsy fartsy pic's
Nice to be off the road for a few days and enjoy family, Plus you save a ton on Hotels! When I left Pittsburg I was just two day out from the end of the ride.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Still here and there.

 Old barn Bloomington IN and old Sanders gas station,Sanders IN
OK so I took a few days off the Hwy 50 ride to visit family and take a little side trip. I kept seeing this little hwy in south Indiana. It road the north shoulder of the Ohio river and I just couldn't get off my mind. I remember passing up hwy 50 on my first  x country trip in 2006 as I was heading back to Oregon. It always bugged me that I didn't hang a left at Salina (Utah) and take hwy 50 back then. Well I reasoned  that I should not make that mistake again. I mean you only live once, right. So just shy of John Mellencamps place I zig zaged my way to Madison, IN

  After a nice cold beer break I left the nice old river town of Madison. I was right the road was fantastic. Following the Ohio river, I kept wondering about the brown water? Was it due to rain or just brown muddy? I'm so used to the clear running snow melt waters of the Oregon terratory.

  I decided to take up a possable couch surfing spot in Lexington KY just about a hour and a half south. I am so glad I did. I met Tatsiana and her daughter Kyra there. In side of about 2 minutes I had a new best friend, Kyra who at any given moment would start hissing at me. I know this doesn't sound like new "new best friend behavior" but Tatsiana explained it away as behavior of the creature's in the movie Avatar. I hadn't seen the movie, tried a couple of times. If you know me you'll understand that when I get still for a few minutes I usually fall asleep.

  They are real sweet Tatsiana and Kyra and they treated me like family. After a nice diner, we walked down town, Lexington is a beautiful city.

  In the morning it was indeed hard to leave my new best friends. In fact I got a way later start than I wanted to. Finely after a very good piece of cheese cake and coffee, I tore my self away and got back on the road.