Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony "So What"

Well we've heard from just about everyone now from Hollywood's finest to the flag waving, lynch mob morons on the street. So why not from an unemployed 50 year old Harley rider. First off I think she probably had something to do with it, it's not rocket science. What a horrible thing to happen to a young innocent child. BUT! That's your justice system folks! OJ, MJ all the rich motherfuckers who rape and pillage on wall street, Bernie all of them.

If you got money and you've got a spot light you are dealing with a very different justice system than your everyday common man, let me tell you. Lawyers, judge's every one's wanting to be a star and write a book. $$$$$$$$ get it!

I've had a brush with the justice system and so have my two sons. We didn't have the money for proper lawyer's just the over the counter over worked court appointed lawyer's. These lawyers don't know a damn thing about trying a case, or even believing for one minute that you might even be innocent. They could care less! There just deal makers. If you are poor you're screwed!

I don't see any body getting upset by the daily unfairness of the justice system. Let me tell you there are probably thousands of unjust sentences handed down every single day. Case in point how can they let this murdering so called mother go? Yet we have plenty of time, space and money to throw someone in jail for having a little weed? The state failed to convince the Casey Anthony juror's with out a doubt that she was guilty. It's as simple as that. We all need to go on with our lives. Like I once told my son's "life isn't always fair"  So its not been fair for this sweet innocent child either.