Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Mission

My very good friend, Craig Watkins, passed away from vasculitis on September 30, 2008; he was only 50 years old.

Craig was diagnosed with microscopic polyangiitis a form of vasculitis in 2007 after suffering multiple strokes which left him paralyzed and in a wheel chair. He battled back from the strokes but passed away from heart failure in September 2008.

Craig was an inspiration to me and many others with his brilliant song-writing and musicianship. He was meant to be on stage sharing his music with others. Whether singing and playing his trusty acoustic guitar or with a full band, he made every moment count given the chance to share his music. Everyone who heard Craig play recognized the tremendous passion he had for his music.

      Amy and Craig, 2005

On May 15th I will begin riding my motorcycle from Sacramento, California to Ocean City, Maryland along U.S. Highway 50 passing through 12 states; a trip of 3,073 miles.

I chose this route for a number of reasons. First, I am now 50 years old and thankful to God for my health; second, Craig passed away at age 50 and I know he would have loved this ride.

Donations for this event will support the VF’s awareness, support and research programs. You can click here to support my ride.

And visit my Facebook page to stay updated as well.


Joseph Shore